In order to contribute to the prevention of offenses and in general of violations or internal irregularities of the company procedures adopted, as well as national or European laws or regulations, HOTEL PLAZA S.p.A. has adopted, in compliance with Legislative Decree 24/2023, a Reporting System which allows all subjects having working and professional relationships with HOTEL PLAZA S.p.A. to report, even anonymously, acts or facts that may constitute a violation of the aforementioned rules.
The Company provides the following dedicated reporting channel
Viale Stazione, 36
30171 Venice Mestre, Italy
Hotel Plaza SpA - Viale Stazione 36 - 30171 Venezia Mestre - Iscrizione al Registro delle Imprese di Venezia 00182020271 - Capitale sociale I.V. euro 513.760,00 - P.IVA 00182020271 - CIN IT027042A1GYY79M4E
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